Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Man's Best Friend: Photos From Around the World

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Rats Remember Who's Nice to Them—and Return the Favor

Rats Remember Who's Nice to Them—and Return the Favor

It's the first time scientists have found direct reciprocation in the animal kingdom.

Picture of brown rats emerging from a hole in a suburban yard
Norwegian rats emerge from a hole in Oregon.
Ralph Martins
Rats can remember acts of kindness by other rats—and treat them accordingly, a new study says.

While rats are known to cooperate and assist one another
, rewarding another rat for no immediate gain wasn't thought to be common behavior. (Also see"Rats Show Regret After Wrong Choices, Scientists Say.")In experiments, Norwegian rats were most helpful to individuals that had previously helped them—perhaps to try and secure their assistance again, scientists suggest.
In fact, a rat rewarding a fellow rat for help—an act called direct reciprocation—is a first among nonhumans, said study co-authorMichael Taborsky, a behavioral ecologist at the University of Bern in Switzerland.

Bananas, Please
The study was based on female captive Norwegian rats' preferences for two types of food: bananas and carrots. For these wild-type rats, bananas are a favorite—carrots, not so much.
In the experiment, each of a pair of rat helpers could deliver one of these tidbits to a rat in another enclosure by pulling on a stick. (Watch a video of rats at night.)
Eventually, the receiving rat would recognize each helper as either a high-quality helper (if it delivered bananas) or a low-quality helper (if it delivered carrots).
Then, scientists switched the rats' places, so the rats on the receiving end were now able to pull on a stick that would deliver cereal flakes to a certain helper.
The rats that had given bananas generally received cereal more quickly and more often than carrot-givers. In the same vein, the rats that had given carrots got cereal less often than the banana-givers did.

Brainy Rats?
But are the rats really rewarding helpers for their generosity?
Researcher Taborsky thinks so, adding that the rats are making a simple association.
"Two elements are involved: recognizing an individual, and responding to the quality of service," Taborsky says.
The latter, he says, is evident from previously known behavior—rats will flock to good feeding spots, for example. And recognition, he points out, is widely documented in many species, including rats. (See "Rat Made Supersmart-Similar Boost Unsafe in Humans?")
Since Norwegian rats exchange favors, a desire to reward others—and perhaps to ensure more exchanges in the future—"might not be as complex as we think," says Taborsky.
An even simpler explanation is that the rats simply "associate the [helper] with the preferred food," Thomas Zentall, an animal behaviorist at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, said in an email.
That is, the rat associates bananas with the presence of the banana-giver, and thinks pulling on the stick when the banana-giver is present might bring bananas.
But Taborsky argues this isn't the case, since it's known that rats can tellthey're delivering food to another rat, not themselves.
In his view, rats clearly use the quality of service they receive to determine how much they give back.
Wonder what that says about their tipping habits?

Check out our site for more pet news and pet friendly travel info!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Many Animals—Including Your Dog—May Have Horrible Short-Term Memories

National Geographic Article:

Picture of a girl with a dog on a farm in Australia
Dogs may be glad to see an old friend, but they won't remember when they last saw her—they forget events within two minutes.
James Owen
The next time your dog happily greets an old friend, remember this: Your pup likely can't remember the last time they met.
A recent investigation of short-term memory suggests animals don't remember specific events much at all—instead, they store away useful information about what could help them survive.We often say someone has "a memory like an elephant," or, if it's a forgetful person, "a goldfish." But in comparing our memory with that of animals, what's the truth? (Read "Animal Minds" in National Geographic magazine.)
Covering 25 species that ranged from dolphins to bees, the study found the average short-term memory span of animals was 27 seconds (which was the midway point before the memory is lost), according to a team led by Johan Lind, an ethologist at the Centre for the Study of Cultural Evolution at Stockholm University, Sweden. (See "Dolphins Have Longest Memories in Animal Kingdom.")
Dogs forget an event within two minutes. Chimpanzees, at around 20 seconds, are worse than rats at remembering things, while the memory spans of three other primates—baboons, pig—tailed macaques, and squirrel monkeys—exceeded only bees (the sole study participant that wasn't either a mammal or a bird).
Since chimps are our closest living relatives, Lind said he was surprised by their poor performance. It suggests human capacity for memory evolved after we branched from the most recent shared ancestor with chimps, over six million years ago.
Reported in late 2014 in the journal Behavioural Processes, the findings drew on data from almost a hundred studies of captive animals that used a memory test of recent random events known as the delayed matching-to-sample (or DMTS) method.
In this test, an animal is typically shown a visual stimulus such as a red circle. The red circle disappears, then, after a delay, it's shown again with another sample stimulus—a blue square, say. The animal, usually with the incentive of a food reward, has to select the original sample it saw.
Compared with animals, humans find this type of test a breeze—we pick the correct sample effortlessly after 48 hours or more, studies have shown. (Also see "A Message From Your Brain: I'm Not Good At Remembering What I Hear.")
"The data tell us that animals have no long-term memory of arbitrary events," Lind said. Based on the new study, "we think humans' ability to remember arbitrary events is unique."

Memories Not Created Equal
This ability is also called episodic memory, and it allows us to remember almost any occurrence, however trivial, for long periods.
"We experience this daily when we remember where we parked the car or that we have to pay a bill next week," Lind said.
While there are plenty of examples of animals with long memories—elephants never forgetting a face, the cat that's scared of the pet carrier after a past visit to the vet, swallows returning to last summer's nest—they aren't using episodic memory, according to Lind.
Such cases "are due to associative memories," he says. They're not based on "memories of specific events. In the second case, the cat associates the carrier with danger. Such memories are very robust and will stay for a long time—for life—in animals."
That's because animals may have specialized memory systems hardwired to remember certain "biologically relevant information" (such as where to find food), the study authors proposed.
Take the example of the western scrub jay, a food-caching bird whose ability to remember and choose between its buried stores has been reported as evidence of episodic-like memory in animals. (See "Bird-Brained Jays Can Plan for the Future.")
But, said Lind, "if these scrub jays had an episodic memory, as humans do, they would have no problem solving the matching-to-sample experiment."
The scrub jays' performance in the experiment is really no different than that of other birds, however. Their "memory will decay within half a minute," he said. (See pictures of animals that are smarter than you think.)
Picture of a western scrub jay
Scrub jays like the one above can remember where they hid their food, but their short term memories aren't great, according to researchers.

Mental Time Travel
Scientists see this memory distinction as key to trying to understand what mental skills we share with other animals and what's unique about the human mind. (Read about the amazing human memory in National Geographic magazine.)
"The study of episodic memory is crucial, since it is still under debate whether other animals can retrieve memories of personal past events in the same way humans do," Gema Martin-Ordas, who studies animal and human cognition at Newcastle University's Institute of Neuroscience in England, said in an email.
"For example, I remember that I went for a run to the park yesterday, and I am perfectly aware that this memory is part of my personal past experience," said Martin-Ordas, who wasn't involved in the new study.
Given our current knowledge, however, "it might be too early to argue that humans are the only ones who are able to mentally travel back and forward in time," she added. (See this interactive: "Mapping Memory in 3-D.")
Martin-Ordas's own research has found evidence that great apes do remember episodic-like details for days and even years, noted Victoria Templer, a psychologist at Providence College in Rhode Island.
Both researchers urged caution in interpreting the results of the new study.
As the study authors themselves observed, "some species or individuals might adjust well to a laboratory environment, and some may not," Templer said.
For instance, it could be that chimpanzees recollected worse than rats in the DMTS experiments because the rats had more training in the memory task.
But if the short-term memory spans of chimps and other primates really are as mediocre as the DMTS tests indicate, "the study reminds us that evolution is not a unidirectional ladder of improvement with humans at the top and apes close behind," Templer said.
That's something for us humans to remember—we might not be as smart as we like to think.

Check out our site for pet friendly travel and vacation info!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Check out Pet Friendly Nashville!

Travel with your Pet to Nashville!

Pet Friendly Nashville!having fun in nashville
Getting Out and and Into it in Nashville! 

1) Honky Tonk Time – You know this is why you came to Nashville!  So be sure to pack some boots, pick up a cowboy hat, and line-dance your heart away.full moon saloon nashville
Full Moon Saloon - “The crowd is always participating and it’s always a great time till close!  Oh- drinks are quite cheap considering it’s a Broadway bar” –
Honky Tonk Central - Nashville's latest and greatest honky tonk on world famous 'Lower Broadway' in downtown Nashville, TN. , with 3 full stories of live music, great food and great times, Honky Tonk Central is the destination stop when in Nashville.
Whiskey Bent Saloon located right in the middle of all the action that makes Nashville famous. It is a great place for you and your guests to kick back, have fun, and let loose. When you are in the market for an authentic Nashville experience, look no further! Whiskey Bent features a built in stage perfect for bands and live performances, Broadway's largest whiskey selection, the only iced down beer on the street, and extra friendly service.
wildhorse saloon nashvilleLegends Corner - Some will say that a trip to Nashville is never complete without visiting the tried and true honky-tonk saloons along downtown Broadway.  While it's hard to go wrong in any of these gritty watering holes, Legends stands out as one of the best. Country music record covers plaster the walls, but the real attraction is the bar's live music.  Some of the city's finest contemporary acts make their mark onstage.  Nashville City Search voters recently selected Legends Corner as the Number One Country Bar in Nashville; an honor well deserved.
Swingin’ Doors Saloon: Where Country is King!  - located in beautiful and historic downtown Nashville Tennessee right off of Broadway at 111 4th Ave S (right behind the Hilton). Swingin’ Doors Saloon is Nashville’s newest downtown honkey-tonk with classic country roots as well as the latest and greatest that Nashville has inspired. World-class country music in an old western saloon setting. When the live music isn’t rockin’ you can play your favorites on the jukebox.  This all-around saloon style bar experience offers the big-screens for Nashville’s sport’s enthusiasts as well as fresh grilled food you can enjoy before a downtown game or concert.

country music hall of fames nashville2. Museums: Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum -
 The Country Music Hall of Fame® and Museum is operated by the non-profit, educational Country Music Foundation (CMF). The mission of the Country Music Hall of Fame® and Museum is to identify and preserve the evolving history and traditions of country music and to educate its audiences. Functioning as a local history museum and as an international arts organization, the Country Music Hall of Fame® and Museum serves visiting and non-visiting audiences including fans, students, scholars, members of the music industry.  Check out the calendar now here:
Music City Walk of Fame - on Nashville's Music Mile is a landmark tribute to those from all genres of music who have contributed to the world through song or other industry collaboration and made a significant contribution to the music industry with connection to Music City.
The Johnny Cash Museum - Come here to learn everything about Johnny Cash!  Be sure to stop by the great gift store as well.

3) The Arts-
tennessee performing arts centerTennessee Performing Arts - TPAC is located in the James K. Polk Cultural Center at 505 Deaderick Street in downtown Nashville, occupying an entire city block between 5th and 6th Avenues and Deaderick and Union Streets. Also housing the Tennessee State Museum, the cultural center adjoins the 18 story James K. Polk Office Tower.  The Nashville Ballet, Nashville Opera, and the Tennessee Repertory Theatre perform here as well!  Look at the calendar here:
The Frist Center for the Visual Arts - Unlike any traditional museum you’ve ever visited, the Frist Center for the Visual Arts has become a magnet for Nashville’s rapidly expanding visual arts scene. With an exhibitions schedule that has new art flowing through the magnificent Art Deco building every 6 to 8 weeks, no matter how often you visit, there is always something new and exciting to see in the spacious galleries.

checkwood botanical garden4. Botanical Garden and Museum- Experience Cheekwood, the 55-acre estate built by the Maxwell House Coffee fortune in Nashville, Tennessee, and one of the finest examples of an American Country Place Era estate in the United States. The Botanical Garden is a spectacular showcase of color and horticultural diversity with eleven specialty display gardens and stunning natural landscape. The Museum of Art has collections of painting, sculpture and decorative arts.

5. Beer and More-
Jack Daniel’s Distillery Drop by for a firsthand look at our distillery where one of our guides will accompany you on a tour and tell you the complete story of our whiskey. And you’ll probably hear an interesting story or two about Mr. Jack as well. We hope to see you around Lynchburg sometime soon.
Whisper Creek Tennessee Sipping Cream - SPEAKeasy Spirits is an artisan distillery nestled in the Historic West Town neighborhood of Nashville, Tennessee.  SPEAKeasy Spirits’ Whisper Creek Tennessee Sipping Cream™ is the distillery’s flagship brand. Recognizing niches, as well as creating new categories such as Tennessee Sipping Cream™, will build a unique and highly sought after portfolio for SPEAKeasy Spirits.
jack daniels distilleryTennesse Brew Works Our Company founders have conducted plenty of craft beer “market research” over many years. But the real genesis of Tennessee Brew Works began with the discovery that great beer can be brewed at home. What began as a kitchen hobby quickly transformed into a serious outdoor brewing system. During that evolution we discovered high demand for our beer amongst family, friends, and acquaintances, converting many into craft beer consumers. Their enthusiasm (and support) has inspired us to follow our passions and share our creations with a much larger audience, but remain focused on producing superior and distinctive beers.

6. Dinner Theatres and Shows!-
Chaffin’s Barn Theatre - Nashville’s ‘Original’ Barn and most unique dining and entertainment experience!  We are now in our 46th season serving the Nashville area with premium buffets and professional theatre.

Miss Jeanne’s Mystery Dinner - An interactive mystery play with live music, comedy and a fully served dinner. Each table is a team and each person has play money to bribe the suspects.
general jackson showboat tennesseeNashville Nightlife Theatre - Check out Nashville's newest production, "The Best of Country Music Dinner & Show" at the Nashville Nightlife Dinner Theater! Come and experience a celebration of Country Music from both past and present. Hear songs from many of the great artists in country music history along with today's hottest superstars. Enjoy the music of everyone from Hank Williams Sr. and Patsy Cline to the superstars of today like Sara Evans and Toby Keith! Throughout the season we have many guest stars appear at our theater including "Grand Ole Opry Star" Jeannie Seely, "The Fiddle Man" Tim Watson, Diana Murrell, "Nashville's favorite" Brenda Best, Paula Murrell (from the Tammy Wynette show) and many other celebrities!
The General Jackson Showboat - Our 300-foot paddlewheel riverboat is one of the largest showboats in the country. It boasts four massive decks with a beautiful two-story Victorian Theater located in the center of the boat where live music shows are performed. Both midday and evening cruises offer a variety of entertainment options throughout the year. You'll always find something new just around the bend. Holiday cruises begin mid-November each year, and special cruises includes a festive New Year's Eve celebration. The General Jackson is an experience you'll only find in Music City!

nashville octoberfest7. Festivals you definitely should be on the watch for:
Nashville Film Festival – NaFF provides three year-round programs: Livin' Reel gives urban teens a hand's on experience in filmmaking. The Hope Tour brings films and volunteers to the bedside of patients and veterans. The Tennessee Film Tour helps Tennessee cities start film festivals. Spread the love.
Oktoberfest - Here's a short list of what to expect at this amazing festival:
• Authentic German Food & Beverages
• Specialty Food Items & Home Baked Treats
• Polka Dancing
• Street Performers
• Tours of Germantowns Historic Churches
• FREE FunLand for the Kids- Arts, Crafts & Antique Specialty Booths
• 4 Stages of Entertainment
Outback Concerts - Outback Concerts produces hundreds of shows & festivals across North America, selling up to 2 million tickets a year. Our special events division is positioned to assist, advise & accomodate corporate clients in buying & producing entertainment and overseeing their needs.
Restaurants Description

Pet friendly restaurant in Nashville:
1812 21st Ave. S.
Nashville, TN 37212
Hillsboro Village
Phone: 615-777-FIDO (3436)
Fido -
Fido blurs the line between upscale coffeehouse and casual restaurant with an emphasis on organic and local foods served in an inviting atmosphere.
The all-day menu features Nashville’s finest mix of organic, exotic and junk foods: from the famous Local Burger (local beef, lamb and cheddar with caramelized fennel & fig aioli), the Liberal Salad (greens, fruits & nuts), to whole grain pancakes and desserts made on premises.
Pet friendly restaurant in Nashville:
12 South Taproom and Grill
2318 12th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37204
Phone: (615) 463-7552
Pet friendly restaurant in Nashville:
12 South Taproom and Grill -
Opened in June 2006, The 12 South Taproom & Grill has been committed to providing the 12 South Neighborhood in Nashville, TN with quality food, drink, and atmosphere. With an ambiance as eclectic as its patrons, the Taproom serves as an inviting home to all the residents of 12 South and beyond.
Our hot and made-to-order culinary delights, distinct and well-crafted libations, and well-informed (and good looking) staff combine to create an experience that is simultaneously novel and intimately familiar.
Bring Spot to chill out on the porch with you!

Pet friendly restaurant in Nashville:
2306 West End Ave
Nashville, TN 37203
Phone: (615) 679 9789
Pet friendly restaurant in Nashville:
Pinkberry -
Everyone knows Pinkberry! Spot can't come in, but the friendly staff can provide a bowl of water on the patio for him/her!
Pet friendly restaurant in Nashville:
Calypso Cafe
1106 Gartland Ave
Nashville, TN 37206
Phone: (615) 227-6133
Pet friendly restaurant in Nashville:
Calypso Cafe -
Calypso Café offers fast, affordable meals that are good for you! For over 24 years our restaurants have been serving up our Cuban black beans, bountiful salads, rotisserie chicken, island burgers and vegetarian side items in the Nashville area. Our mission is simple…high quality, hearty, healthy dishes at a reasonable price in a fun, relaxed and efficient setting. Fido can join you on the porch!

Check out our site, Pet Friendly Nashville, for more information!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Check out Pet Friendly Florida Keys!

Having Fun for Yourself in in the Florida Keys!

Pet Friendly Florida Keys!having fun in the florida  keys
Getting Out there and into it in the Florida Keys!
john pennekamp park in the florida keys
1) John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park
The first undersea park in the U.S., John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park encompasses approximately 70 nautical square miles. This is at the north end of the Keys in Key Largo! The coral reefs and their associated marine life are... life changing! Many enjoy the view of the reef from a glass-bottom boat tour, but visitors can get a closer look by scuba diving or snorkeling. This is a must!

Canoeing and kayaking through the park's waters are popular activities; fishing is permitted in designated areas. Visitors can enjoy walking on short trails, picnicking, or swimming at the beach. The Visitor Center has a 30,000-gallon saltwater aquarium and nature videos are shown in its theater.

2. Dolphin Research Center
This is one of my favorite places in the Keys. Research is going on all around you in small pools filled with marine mammals of all kinds. You can pay to actually get into the water with dolphins, or feed them,... but your really only need to gain admittance to wander around and watch happy dolphins, seals, manatees up close. - map

pet friendly restaurant in the florida keys3. Sunset at a Pet Friendly Restaurant
Well, this is for both of you! Snook's is right on the beach on the bay side in Key Largo. There's a ledge where you can sit right on the water to enjoy the sunset. Surrounded by tiki torches, every seat has a sunset view. They offer local catch! And they are pet friendly-They welcome dogs at their outdoor dining area and at the bar. There is ample area to walk your dog as well. Often, bartenders will bring their dogs to work and you will see the owner walking her two pugs. Come by boat or car. map

swim in the mangroves in the florida keys4. Rent a Small Boat and...
Swim in the mangroves or get a good sea map and don't go too far offshore, but find your own place to snorkel! The mangroves are all around on the bay side of the keys, and are filled with baby fishes. It looks spooky, but it is fun and safe. We go off of Islamorada and it isn't far. But all the Keys have snorkeling spots and the local boat rental places will tell you where to go. Here's one: Robbie's, in Islamorada...

fun in the florida keys - park on a sandbar5. Rent a Small Boat (part 2) and...
Throw your anchor on a sandbank and party and drink beer! This is a time-honored tradition in the keys and it is hilarious. Every time you go over a bridge in the Keys you will see these sandbanks, caused by dredging so boats can go under the bridge. The water above the sand banks is about 2 inches, so people throw their little anchors a yard or two off. You can swim in with your dog. Paddle about and enjoy the warm water... you will still see little fishes and crabs and your dog will have a ball.

florida keys wild bird rehab center
6. Florida Keys Wild Bird Rehab Center
The Florida Keys Wild Bird Center’s mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and release native and migratory wild birds that have been harmed or displaced, to provide or locate a humane shelter for those birds that cannot be released, and to educate the public toward the importance of coexistence with all wild bird species. - map

rent a kayak in the keys7. Rent a Kayak (or a Jetski)
And get out on the water! yes, your dog can get in the Kayak! Notice I keep trying to get you out on the water... it is so beautiful- the colors of blue so amazing, that I keep trying to find ways to get you out into that warm salty water. Our example: Key Largo Kayak Rental- they have mangrove groves in their purvue, which are fun to kayak thru. Their are rental agencies on all the keys.

see the keys deer in florida keys8. See the Deer on Big Pine Key
The National Key Deer Refuge headquarters is located on Big Pine Key which is 100-miles south of Miami and 30-miles north of Key West on Highway US-1. So... a bit further down into the Keys, but not all the way to Key West. This is a huge preserve, but it isn't hard to see the deer.

manatees in the florida keys9. Watch for a Manatee on the Docks
Watch for manatees around the docks. They come looking for fresh water, as the salinity in the Florida Bay has risen and they crave fresh water. This one was trying to catch a drink from the hose we were using to wash the boat. Don't water them on purpose or try to attract them- we need them to distrust man and stay wild. They have no defense, and even tho they are huge they are less scary than a kitten. You can see lobster peeking out from under docks too... but remember, only in season!

bud n mary's marina10. Hire a Captain and Go Fishing!
Dying to catch some dolphin (the mahi mahi type) and cook them up for your dinner? You can pretty much rely on success if you hire a local captain. We use Bud 'n Mary's Marina in Islamorada, but there are captains for hire at other marinas all over the keys. We went out for half a day and caught enough for several dinners' worth of dolphin and still gave 3/4 of it away. Local captains make all the difference. You have to go pretty far out, so wait for a calm day if you have a delicate sea-stomach. Most restaurants will cook up your dolphin for you.

theatre of the sea11. Theatre of the Sea
Theater of the Sea provides a marine mammal adventure where you can swim with dolphins, sea lions, and stingrays in their natural salt water lagoons through our interactive swim programs. The lagoons, and lush, tropical gardens at are home to Atlantic bottlenose dolphins, California sea lions, sea turtles, tropical and game fish, sharks, stingrays, alligators, marine invertebrates, colorful parrots, and birds-of-prey. They also offer marine performances, glass-bottom boat tours and a beach. - map

12. Key West!
fun in the keys - hemingway's home-No visit to the Florida Keys is complete without a stop on Key West. Did you read "The Old Man and the Sea" ? here is Hemingway's home...or visit the infamous Duval Street, -hotspot of partying and famous drinking establishments like Sloppy Joe's at the corner of Greene and Duval. Be forewarned: it gets pretty raucous at night!

dry tortugas in the florida keys
13. The Dry Tortugas
Located 70 miles west of the tropical paradise of Key West, Dry Tortugas National Park is made up of a cluster of small islands, coral reefs, and one impressive fortress.  While it’s certainly not advised to make an impulsive trip to Dry Tortugas, with a little planning you and your family can make a trip to one of America’s most unique and legendary national parks.

Travel with your Pet to the Florida Keys!

Pet Friendly Florida Keys!pet friendly florida keys
We want to help you bring your cat or dog on vacation to the Florida Keys!
We have had tons of fun bringing our Cocker Spaniel "Duke" to the Florida Keys. That is him to the left. He love the water, loves going out on the boat, and absolutely loves fishing!
We stay at a pet friendly hotel, so haven't really even had to go to the dog parks. All the Keys are parks! and the ocean around them are parks!
Because the florida keys are so large, we made maps for every category - restaurants, pet care, vets, hotels, by owner rentals and parks. PLEASE take a look at the fun page! Now that is something we know about in the Keys! If you are serious fishermen and are going way out, maybe pet day care would be the best. Or if you want to go to a really amazing restaurant indoors. But most restaurants are pet friendly in outside seating, or close their eyes to pets under the table outside.... just fyi. here's what you need to know:
Pet Friendly Hotels in the Florida Keys! See our selection!
pet friendly hotel in the Florida Keys
527 Caribbean Drive, Key Largo, FL
(305) 451-4107
Marina Del Mar Resort- Key Largo
Dogs and cats accepted with no weight limit and a $25 pet fee, max. 3 pets per room. The marina is attached to the hotel, so bring your boat!
and more pet friendly hotels in the Florida Keys!
Pet Friendly By Owner Rentals in the Florida Keys! See our selection!
florida keys by owner vacation rental
calendar pet friendly florida keys
Home in 5-star Venture Out Gated Community on Cudjoe Key
Rental includes free use of 2 kayaks, 80' community pool and jacuzzi, salt water swimming area, marina with fuel and boat ramps, fish cleaning stations, and tennis courts. Sleeps 6, rented nightly, weekly, and monthly.
and more pet friendly by owner rentals in the Florida Keys!
Pet Friendly Dog Parks and Beaches in the Florida Keys! See our selection!
big pine park florida keys
Key Deer Blvd and South St, Big Pine Key, FL 33043
Big Pine Bark Park
Free- Separate big and small dog areas, pools for dogs to cool off in. Lots of toys and water bowls everywhere, decent sized.
Hours: Sunrise- Sunset Map
Pet Friendly Restaurants in the Florida Keys! See our selection!
Pet Friendly Restaurant in the Florida keys
522 Carribean Blvd
Key Largo, FL
(305) 453-0999
Sharkey's Pub & Galley Restaurant
With a family friendly atmosphere & affordable prices. Enjoy local seafood featuring a nice selection of fresh fish prepared several ways. Try crabmeat stuffed with creamy lobster sauce, a local favorite! Seasonal specials include Stone Crab and Lobster dishes. Hours: 7:00 am - 2:00 am

 Check out Pet Friendly Florida Keys for more info!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Check out Pet Friendly Miami Beach!

Having Fun for Yourself in Miami Beach!

Having fun Miami Beach!having fun in miami beach
Getting Out There and into it in Miami Beach!

topless on the beach in miami beach1-South Beach is the quintessential Miami beach experience. It’s the place to see and be seen and show off the product of months in the gym. South Beach isn’t clothing optional, but topless bathing is permitted. Try out the paved jogging path that borders South Beach. The beach is located on Ocean Drive, across the street from many of Miami Beach’s famous nightclubs

2. Haulover Beach
 miami beach haulover beachHaulover Beach, located on Miami Beach between Sunny Isles Beach and Bal Harbour, is known around the world as Miami’s only legal "clothing optional" nude beach. If you’re skittish about shedding your swimsuit, never fear. The beach offers traditional sunbathing as well and the nude beach is clearly marked to avoid accidents! Haulover Beach is a fantastic surfing spot.

miami beach shopping3. Walking and sightseeing
Since the 1920s, Miami Beach has been synonymous with glamour, glitz and non-stop sun. The epicenter of the beach is really on the barrier island’s south end, which is why South Beach is really what people mean when they refer to Miami Beach. At 17 blocks long and 12 blocks wide, South Beach is a perfect place for a walk. 4. Nightlife! The discos and night life… Try the Mansion,  and Nikki Beach!….

4. Shopping! Which means the shopping is really, really good. From the chain mainstays to tiny, unique boutiques, there’s a store for everyone on Miami Beach. If clothes aren’t your thing, there are plenty of art galleries, jewelry stores and pet boutiques to peruse. Walk on Collins Ave., Ocean Drive and Lincoln Blvd! Lincoln Ave and Collins Blvd are the 2 hot spots for shopping.

miami beach seaquarium5. Miami Seaquarium What a fun place to spend a day with or without children. Check ou the sharks and the manatees and the coral reefs. Watch the dolphin and killer whale shows. It's a fascinating place to spend the day.

6. Jungle Island- so convenient to Miami  beach. As you leave I-95 to 395 to go east to th island, you pass jungle island on your left. It is beautiful and the animals are so much fun. Call ahead and do the backstage penguin tour! I recommend it! (did it for my daughter’s birthday).

joe's stone crab miami beach
7. Eat!
Joe’s Stone Crab is the iconic place to go in South Beach, and incredibly yummy. Or try out Emiril’s, or almost anywhere along Ocean Drive – the people-watching, outside dining, on the beach street where you can see and be seen!

everglades-fun at shark valley8. Everglades – whether you go do an Airboat ride or you go to Shark Valley and bike for 14 miles and see alligators, go see the river of grass. It is unique in the world. Where is the Everglades? Strait west from Miami. I have to say I think Shark Valley is one of the most amazing places in the world. How can they let you bike up to alligators???????

9. Miami Metrozoo  One of the best zoos in the country and a place to learn about the Everglades.

10. Rent some waverunners – and get out on the water!!! Whether you go waverunning or kayaking (noise and speed, or no noise and speed) go get out on the water!

fun in miami beach winter music conference11. Concerts in clubs or on the beach and Clubbing- link to a concert calendar:
whether they are in  a night club or right on the beach… be careful and plan ahead . One of the biggest ones ins called Ultra.

Dog Parks and Beaches in Miami Beach, Florida
pet friendly miami beach

Travel with your Pet to Miami Beach!

Pet Friendly Miami Beach!pet friendly miami beach
We want to help you bring your cat or dog on vacation to Miami Beach!
The goals is that you will both be happier. Writing up all the places to visit and things to do in Miami Beach showed me that you can travel to this crowded tourist spot and still have a good time with your pet.
Don't miss the beach on Biscayne Bay to play in the surf with your dog. Call up pet-sitters! No need to drag your dogs to day-care, tho there are good options there too.
Here's what you need to know!:
Pet Friendly Hotels in Miami Beach!! See our selection!
pet friendly hotels in miami beach
The Barbizon: Ten 1, 2, and 3 bedroom condos RIGHT ON Ocean Drive in a beautiful art deco building, right on the beach!, all with kitchens, and use of the pool next door in the Casanova; Renters get special discounts at local restaurants on Ocean Drive...
and more pet friendly hotels in Miami Beach!

Pet Friendly By Owner Rentals in Miami Beach! See our selection!
pet friendly by owner vacation rentals in Miami Beach
The Barbizon: Ten 1, 2, and 3 bedroom condos RIGHT ON Ocean Drive in a beautiful art deco building, right on the beach!, all with kitchens, and use of the pool next door in the Casanova; Renters get special discounts at local restaurants on Ocean Drive. Dog must be 35 lbs or less. Dog park and ocean! is right in front.
and more pet friendly by owner rentals in Miami Beach!

Pet Friendly Dog Parks and Beaches in South Beach, Florida! See our selection!
dog park miami beach Flamingo Bark Park - 2 doggie play areas (1 for smaller and 1 for larger dogs), double-gated entrances into the dog runs, drinking stations, biodegradable doggie bag stations, trash receptacles, and many benches with plenty of shade
and more dog parks and beaches in Miami Beach!

Pet Friendly Restaurants in Miami Beach! See our selection!
pet friendly restaurants in miami beach Burger & Beer Joint
Hearty meals for humans, and FREE meals for doggies!

Check out Pet Friendly Miami Beach for all of your vacation needs!